Rules for presentation of academic papers


RESOLUTION - CEPEC No. 1469/2017 - Approves the new Regulations of the Graduate Program in Nursing, Master and Doctorate levels

RESOLUTION CPG / PPGENF No. 001/2015 - Establishes the curricular structure of the Graduate Nursing Program (PPG-ENF) of the Federal University of Goiás and repeals Resolution CPG / ENF No 001/2011.

RESOLUTION CPG / PPGENF No. 001/2017 - Establishes norms for performance evaluation of candidates requesting authorization to enroll in the PhD program in the Nursing Faculty / UFG Graduate Nursing Program without the title of Master and repeals Resolution CPG / PPGENF No. 004/2009.

RESOLUTION CPG / PPGENF No. 002/2017 - Establishes norms for the accomplishment of the discipline Internship Teaching of the Graduate Program in Nursing of the Nursing School of the Federal University of Goiás and repeals Resolution No. 001/2014 CPGENF.

RESOLUTION CPG / PPGENF No. 001/2012 - Establishes new standards for the Masters and Doctorate level qualification exam of the Nursing College Graduate Program - UFG, and repeals Resolution No. 003/2009 CPG-ENF

RESOLUTION CPG / PPGENF No. 001/2010 - Establishes standards for progression from master to doctoral level students in the Stricto Sensu Nursing Graduate Program of the Faculty of Nursing - UFG

RESOLUTION CPG / PPGENF No. 004/2010 - Establishes new norms for requesting and holding a public session and approval of the defense of the Master's dissertation and PhD thesis in the Graduate Nursing Program of the Federal University of Goiás and repeals Resolution No. 003 / 2009 CPG / PPG-ENF